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Showing posts from March, 2021

Final destination

On my birthday, I take a moment and look back and I see a girl  who used to be  quite aspirational and ambitious, who tried to plan everything in advance , all her anticipated successes and joys, based on her limited knowledge about happiness and success. She went about achieving her planned success with great energy, worked hard and displayed exemplary will power. She made choices which she thought led her towards her planned goal of happiness in personal and professional life. She was indeed quite picky about her choices and she felt totally in charge of her life. Fifty years hence, I seem to have reached some unknown destination.  It seems no planning worked. So many surprises in life, never ever imagined situations swipe away the current state like a storm takes away with it everything that is there on the sea shore. Alas, I can’t go back in time and change my choices. Fear cripples us. The fear of where will my livelihood come from? Will I have food, home, health, money in the